Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Day 4

We spent the morning at the Barn finishing the job of opening up the cracks, inside and out, ready for cementing. Unfortunately the materials and equipment we need to complete almost all the other tasks haven't arrived yet, so instead we spent the afternoon collecting samples and exhibits with Tammy around the game park. It was great fun, and we learned even more about the animals and plants from Tammy, who has impressive knowledge, especially about the birds of Kuzuko, which is one of her major interests.

Before we began our search for samples, we had to go and collect a whole lot of porcupine needles. They were strewn all over the track, possibly as a result of a porcupine having been attacked by some unknown animal, we couldn't find the body of the porcupine though, so its fate was also unknown.

Driving around we often stopped to collect dung, interesting plants and horns of various creatures. On the way, we were very lucky to see lots of different animals. We took pictures and filmed videos, but some animals, like the meerkats, were just too quick for us!

Some of our findings. This plant, is called Sosatie plant, which is Afrikaans for kebab. I think you can see why!

 Max standing in an elephant's footprint.

Collecting dung samples.

Here we are examining an ostrich's hip bone, which looked very much like a skull!

Kira looking at a wildebeast skull

Here are pics of most of the animals we saw today;

Two young giraffes!

One young giraffe!

It seems a young monkey has climbed aboard!

Some real monkeys!

A pride of young ostriches

Three adult ostriches

That white dot is a pied avocet

A white backed mouse bird
And towards the end of the day we couldn't believe our luck when we found the wild Kuzuko elephants. We were so close to a mother and her baby! It was just incredible.

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