Monday, 8 July 2013

Day 2

It was down to the Barn again this morning, this time to see how, and if our ideas could be implemented. On the downside we had to give up the our cave paintings in the hole idea (we wanted to make the pit in the floor into a walk-in bushman's cave), as a better examination it was clear that it would be too unsafe to use, so the only option is to fill it completely.

On the upside, when looking around the immediate area around the Barn, Gerhard talked about his vision of creating a waterhole as a potential feature. When we had a more thorough look at the space for the waterhole with Tammy, we realised we could turn what is currently a terrible mess of a dumping ground (from the previous farmer occupants) into something really nice to look at, and at the same time useful and beneficial for the Kuzuko wildlife. We also felt it would be very much in tune with the concept of the Barn, as a great practical example of conservation in action.

Back to the Barn, where we took measurements of the doors and windows, etc, and made a complete list of all the tools, equipment and supplies that we would need (that was a job in itself!).

Later that day, we returned to the Reception to get on the net and begin uploading our blog. It was no mean feat, as simply connecting, and logging on presented all sorts of unexpected complications. However, many more grey hairs later, as you can see now, we eventually managed to connect and upload everything we had done up to that point.

After all that hassle, our day was made by a visit from the larger than life, Gerhard, bearing gifts of Warthog sausage, cheese sausage, lamb steaks and a not terribly nice looking, but fantasticly delicious tasting Biltong!

Looks like wood.... tastes like Happiness!

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